Tuesday 26 January 2016

Looking for an Exciting Colorado Rafting Trip?

We Have The Colorado Rafting Trip For You!

If you are looking for that once-in-a-lifetime chance of exploring the natural wonder that is the Grand Canyon, there is nothing better than to see it from the river point of view on a Colorado rafting trip organized by Advantage Grand Canyon, the travel agent concierge for Grand Canyon Raft Trips. When it comes to navigating the many river routes in the Grand Canyon on any type of river raft, our team of experts can help you design your exciting Colorado rafting trip.

You Want a Full Canyon Experience?

colorado rafting tripIf you are on a holiday for anywhere from 6 to 18 days, we recommend our full canyon rafting trips on a 6-8 day motor raft (the most popular raft trip in Grand Canyon) or a 12 – 18 day non-motor oar, paddle, dory or hybrid raft. This trip can truly let you enjoy all of the incredible things the Grand Canyon has to offer as you travel down the mighty Colorado River on an 15-18-day 280-mile trip from Lees Ferry to Pearce Ferry near Lake Mead. If this is too lengthy for you, we can shorten that to around 12 days with a 188-mile trip towards Whitmore Wash. If this is too short, then we can adjust a little bit to a 13-14-day 225-mile non-motor rafting trip towards Diamond Creek.

If you want to experience the entire length of the Canyon but in significantly shorter length of time, we recommend using a motorized river raft to cut the journey in half. Choose from our trips available in 6-8-day trips. If you take the Western Grand Canyon trip, you can start at Whitmore Wash and end up in Lake Mead for a 3-4 day journey on motorized rafts or 5 days on an oar-powered river craft.

rafting the Colorado River

Bask In The Full Glory of the Canyon

This lengthy yet very fulfilling river rafting journey will take you from river mile 0, breath-taking Marble Canyon, stopping near the historic Phantom Ranch for a stay for lunch, moving lazily forward on the Colorado River, you’ll visit Deer Creek and raft through the famed whitewater of Lava Falls where you will experience the thrill of navigating up to a class 10 rapid. Depending on where you take out, the full canyon experience will bring you through 38 to 47 major whitewater raids that have been rated Class III to IV.

Feeling More Adventurous

If you are someone who enjoys longer hikes, is in good shape and does not have the flexibility in their schedule for a full canyon, partial canyon rafting trips may be the right option of you.  They start or end with a 7.5 – 9.5 mile hike at the start or end of their raft trip and combine the thrill and excitement of whitewater rafting through either the upper canyon or lower canyon. 

 These shorter rafting trips can range from as short as 88 miles to as long as 192 miles of whitewater river experience punctuated with 5 to 28 major rapids that are classed at III or IV. The hiking portion consists of a 9.5-mile hike through Bright Angel Trail. For more information on this shorter trip, or questions about the hike, book your trip now or please call us at 888-244-2224.

Advantage Rafting Trips Greand Canyon CTA

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Thursday 7 January 2016

Choosing The Right Rafting Trip For Your Grand Canyon Adventure

Grand Canyon Adventure Trips Options

Exploring the Grand Canyon can be done in a variety of ways. For the Advantage Grand Canyon Adventure Rafting Logomore adventurous individual, you can take your camping gear and explore on a  hiking journey through its’ many trails. For those wanting a less active experience but wish for a shorter trip with a bird’s eye view of the Grand Canyon, a helicopter ride is optimal. And for those who would like to relive the history of how this canyon was carved by the mighty Colorado from the view point of the river, there is only one ideal option – Raft the Grand Canyon.

Motorized or Oar-Powered Trips?

For those who will be exploring the Grand Canyon River and its tributaries, the question as to which kind of raft to use is just a matter of determining how much time you have and how much of the Grand Canyon you want to see.

For those who have limited time and want to explore as much of the Grand Canyon as possible, a motorized rafting trip is recommended. For individuals who have unrestricted time, an oar or paddle-powered, (Oar, Dory boat, Paddle Raft, Hybrid Raft) trip is a sensible choice as it allows you to really travel slower, about 3-4 mph in a smaller vessel.

If bringing your children along with you (highly recommended), the minimum age allowed on a motorized rafting trip is 8-9 years old depending on the outfitter, while on an non-motor rafting trip is 12-16 years old. 

grand Canyon rafting

Take On The Rafting Trip

There are a variety of rafting trips in the Grand Canyon, ranging from as short as a day to a maximum of 18 days. Here are three of the most common rafting trips that you may want to consider if you only have about 1 week for this adventure. The first three are full canyon trips while the last two are partial trips, which feature a combination of whitewater rafting and hiking.

  • 8-Day Full Canyon Motorized Rafting Trip – this is the motorized equivalent of the 12-18-day full Canyon non-motor rafting trip. Because it runs faster, the entire length of the canyon can be explored in just 6-8 days.
  • 6-7 Day Upper Canyon Oar-Powered Rafting Trip with Hike-out at trip’s end – This 6-7-day raft trip takes you from Marble Canyon, river mile 0 to river mile 88 from Lees Ferry on a whitewater raft. On the final morning, you will be on the trailhead bright and early, around 7am, to begin the 7.5 mile (if starting from pipe creek beach) or 9.5 (if starting from Phantom Ranch or Boat Beach)  hike ascending the Bright Angel Trail towards the top of the South Rim. An incredible experience to go from a desolate, wilderness environment for days, to civilization atop of the south rim. 
  • 7-9-Day Lower Canyon Oar-Powered Rafting Trip with Hike-in at trip’s start – an excellent trip for individuals who are looking for an adventure both in whitewater rafting and in hiking. Bright and early on day 1, your guided hike will start around 5am and should last between 4-8 ours in length depending on your hiking speed. This hike will take you from the top of the south rim, to the ground floor of the canyon, 1 vertical mile stretched over a 7.5 to 9.5 mile trail, to meet your guides and rafts.  From River Mile 88, you will then travel either 100, 136 or 192 river miles depending on the take out location of your specific itinerary. 

Immersing yourself in the beauty of the Grand Canyon can be fulfilling by itself. When enjoyed with your family and loved ones on a rafting trip that is especially designed for your needs, the trip itself becomes all the more meaningful. Search for your trip now!

Advantage Rafting Trips Greand Canyon CTA

The post Choosing The Right Rafting Trip For Your Grand Canyon Adventure appeared first on Advantage Grand Canyon Rafting Adventures.

Saturday 2 January 2016

The Grand Canyon – Amazing Tourist Attraction

the grand canyon

Tourists Love The Grand Canyon!

The Grand Canyon is one of the most remarkable American attractions and draws a tremendous amount of visitors from all over the globe. Curious travelers take part in a range of activities  and destinations offered in or near Grand Canyon. Locations and attractions include the north or south Rim, a hike trip via the famous Bright Angel or South Kaibab trails (Click links for info and map PDF’s), and a sight-seeing tour around the rim’s edge in Grand Canyon Village. Regardless of the option chosen, the canyon provides a variety of opportunities for enjoyment and features breath-taking panoramas and incredible sights. This magnificent wonder of nature spreads up to 277 miles, and its rocky walls reach deep down its grandiose floor. Right there at the bottom one can hear the roar of the Colorado River, and see from a different perspective, iconic locations boasting scenic beauty. There is everything for every traveler interested in immersing into the mystery of this most popular natural wonder. 

Wanting to see the canyon from high above, adventurous travelers may opt for air tours of the grandiose sights. Available are special helicopter or an airplane scenic adventures in the sky. There is one scenic flight and raft tour combination also available which navigates the Western canyon of the Colorado river. Hiking is another great and exciting option for those looking for a more physically demanding backpack trip full of exploration by foot.

For enthusiasts who enjoy the water, a rafting trip of the Grand Canyon is an ideal option to satisfy the hiker, the camper and the rafter. Rafting this beautiful area will give you the chance to fully explore its secrets.  You can choose from oar-powered expeditions or motorized trips. The time duration of each varies and options range from 1 day to 18 days depending on your travel preferences.

rafting in the grand canyon

Depending on the activity and location you chose, accommodations widely vary, but note that there are many options available including more expensive lodging accommodations as well as budget based camping options. 

The Grand Canyon is also a perfect arena for your kids to explore guaranteed to leave a lasting impression and memorable experience to last a lifetime. 

After visiting the Grand Canyon, one can explore its surrounding locations and attractions including the very popular towns of Sedona or Page, Arizona. For hiking enthusiasts, we recommend Bryce Canyon. For those wanting more entertainment, Las Vegas offers a thriving day and nightlife scene as well as outdoor adventures nearby.  

You will certainly find your trip to the Grand Canyon and the surrounding attractions fun and exhilarating. Search for your trip now!

Advantage Rafting Trips Greand Canyon CTA

The post The Grand Canyon – Amazing Tourist Attraction appeared first on Advantage Grand Canyon Rafting Adventures.