Sunday 28 February 2016

The World’s Top 3 Whitewater Rafting Destinations

Whitewater Rafting Destinations-arizona-grand-canyon-therapeuticWhitewater rafting can offer the thrill of a lifetime for most uninitiated. For those who have already mastered the elements and can safely and confidently navigate through the different obstacles, hidden or otherwise, in the world’s best whitewater river rapid systems, the challenge is answering the question, “Where to next?”

Before you can even begin to fathom the enormity of the challenge, you should know that Class 6 rapids are generally the most dangerous and where no serious adventurer is ever allowed to shoot its waters. As such, the maximum legally allowed class of rapids that these daredevils can take on is a Class 5+.

And there are quite plenty of them. But, to start the ball rolling, here’s the world’s top 3 whitewater rafting destinations.

Sizzling Whitewater Rafting Destinations

  1. The Grand Canyon

The Grand Canyon has more than a few hundreds of whitewater river systems that are perfect for all levels of skills. For the daredevils, nothing beats the sheer difficulty afforded by Barrel Springs. With two large and equally dangerous rapids, the Barrel Springs run is a 3-kilometer stretch of Class IV+ and Class V+ rapids that even the toughest of professional whitewater kayakers and rafters will have second thoughts conquering. With rapids named like Upper Death and Life After Death, who would not tremble in fear even before getting into gear? The Upper Death rapids have been aptly called the Kayakers’ Nightmare.

       2. Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe

Smacked right in the international border between Zambia and Zimbabwe and sourced from the Zambezi River, Victoria Falls produces some of the world’s most thrilling Class V rapids anywhere along the length of its many gorges. Many thrill seekers have attempted to conquer Commercial Suicide, Stairway to Heaven, and Devil’s Toilet Bowl but have had mixed successes. Starting off at the foot of the 108-meter high Victoria Falls, you will be treated to some of the most spectacular views in a whitewater river rapid ecosystem.

victoria falls - whitewater rafting destinations

         3. Futaleufu River, Chile

Extreme adventure sportsmen and women can only comprehend the sheer danger that awaits them once they set foot on our next whitewater rafting destination, Chile’s Futaleufu River. This 14-mile stretch of whitewater river rapids is dotted with Class V rapids that only the bravest of the brave dare conquer. With names of rapids as vivid as Gates of Inferno, Wall Shot, and Perfect Storm, anyone can get the impression that one mistake might as well be your last. The level of difficulty of Futaleufu River’s rapids are legendary they are absolute experts and daredevils-only systems.

These rapids are never for beginners. Even professionals think twice before even venturing in these waters.

For those adventurous at heart, but aren’t up for a challenge quite this intense and risky, Grand Canyon rafting trips can offer you the same adrenaline filled adventure, in a safer overall experience as you are in the hands of experienced guides with years invested reading and navigating these class 5 to 10 rapids. Why Class 10? Colorado River in Grand Canyon has a 1 – 10 rating scale so consider a class 5 in Grand Canyon, a class 3 in Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe. Commercial Grand Canyon raft trips are a great option for children as young as 7 years old and we’ve even had passengers in their 80’s! Contact Advantage Grand Canyon to help sort out the details.

Advantage Rafting Trips Greand Canyon CTA

The post The World’s Top 3 Whitewater Rafting Destinations appeared first on Advantage Grand Canyon Rafting Adventures.

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