Friday 29 April 2016

Differentiating Paddle And Motorized Rafting Trips

When you go whitewater rafting you will be given two choices for transportation along the river: You can take rafting trips that are powered either by an outboard motor or by paddles/oars on a non-motor raft which includes Oar, Dory, Paddle rafts. There is a perfect trip for everyone and while some prefer motorized rafting trips, other’s ideal trip would be a non-motor trip.

Motorized rafting trips can travel faster. Many whitewater river vacationers take a motorized rafting trips when they want to see as much of the river as possible, in a shorter amount of time, 3-8 days. For example, to navigate the entire 280-mile length of the Grand Canyon portion of the great Colorado River, all you need is 6-8 days in a motor raft trip. 

Motorized Rafting Trips - Advantage Grand Canyon


Some Things You Need To Know About Motorized Rafting Trips

The safest of all raft types these large vessels carry 12-14 passengers comfortably, 2 of whom will be your whitewater river guides. If you are the type of individual who prefers a sense of security while on river, then motorized rafting trips are the way to go. Many comfortable seating options  offer the perfect opportunity to meet new people and socialize during calmer waters between rapids. The motorized whitewater rafting trips are actually the most popular trip option chosen by more rafters annually over any other raft type.

Motorized rafting trips are perfect for larger groups who would like to take in as much of the scenery of the Grand Canyon as they possibly can. Since it is motorized, their focus will be on the scenery and the many frequent stops along the way rather then navigating rapids or paddling the raft. Perfect for families who want an exciting adventure, less then 8 days in length. Keep in mind that if you have a child, there is a minimum age requirement of 8 years for these trips.

Paddle rafting Paddle-powered rafting trips are for those who would like to really experience navigating through some of the river’s roughest waters. Paddle-powered rafts are much smaller than motorized rafts and as such can hold only up to six to eight individuals at a time, including the river guide. This makes for a perfect test of your physical strength and mental alertness as you have to work with the rest of the team to safely navigate your craft through rough waters. Your guide directs you, so no previous rafting in necessary however outfitters recommend only those physically capable of paddling for multiple days in a row, to opt for a paddle raft trip.  Other non-motor options include Oar or Dory trips as well as Hybrid raft trips which is a combination of Oar rafts (rowed by the guide) and a Paddle raft to be used on rotation among passengers. This way you can take a break in a Oar raft and not be committed to paddling every day of your trip. 

The fact that non-motor powered rafting trips cruise at the speed of the river (3-4 mph) is why they take twice as long as a motor raft trip (8-9 mph). The minimum age for non-motor trips is 12 for some options and up to 16 for others.


Advantage Rafting Trips Greand Canyon CTA

The post Differentiating Paddle And Motorized Rafting Trips appeared first on Advantage Grand Canyon Rafting Adventures.

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