Monday 29 August 2016

What are the Different Class Levels of Rafting on the Colorado River?

Class Levels of Rafting Grand Canyon - Advantage Grand CanyonThe Grand Canyon stretch of the mighty Colorado River is home to many Class IV to V whitewater rafting class levels. There are certain stretches of river that only professionals and seasoned whitewater river runners raft. If you are thinking of exploring the Colorado River on either a private or commercial raft trip, then it is best to get acquainted with the different class levels of rafting on this mighty stretch of the body of water.  One thing to note is that in Grand Canyon, the classes are more specific as they us a 1 – 10 (I -X) rating scale. Advantage Grand Canyon has been providing thrill seekers with the correct information regarding these classes of rafting trips so they can better appreciate what they are signing up for. It is important to note that the intensity of the rapids depends on water flow and speed, as well as water level. There is no “better” time to raft for better rapids as the Glenn Canyon dam is constantly releasing the flow of water year round so the rapids are not roaring only during spring run off as in other rivers. Some rapids react more aggressively in slower lower water while others do the opposite.

Along the entire stretch of the Colorado, our outfitter partners can take you and your family for a ride of a lifetime.  You will not have to navigate these rapids as your experienced guides will be doing so. The only exception is in a paddle raft where you will be digging into the water while being commanded by your river guide at the rear of the raft.  In every other raft type, you’ll need to hang on and enjoy the ride!

Below are the different class levels of rafting and we have listed them in the Grand Canyon 1-10 rating scale for your review:

Class 1 – This class of rafting simply means you will have a very relaxed ride flowing along with the river’s current. There are occasional small waves and very few obstacles and river features that you should be concerned about.

Class 2-3 – When you begin to see rougher waves that are nonetheless no more than 3 feet tall with occasional rocks or boulders that require some degree of maneuvering, then you know that you have just entered the domain of Class 2 – 3 level of rafting. Here, you will have to be on your toes as you will also have to steer your raft away from obstacles.

Class 4-5-6 – By the time you reach a portion of the Colorado where the waves can reach up to 4 feet high, then you know you are rafting in either a 4,5 or 6 system. Many of our clients prefer this as it provides excellent challenge and thrill without necessarily scaring them out of their wits.

Class 7-8 – There are plenty of narrow passages, long and quite difficult rapids, and very turbulent water in a Classes 7-8. This for the advanced rafting enthusiast as it requires precision maneuvering.

Class 9-10 – The ultimate in navigable river systems, the Class 10 is where many professionals and daredevils will go for an optimum adrenaline rush. There are plenty of gushing rapids, spinning and twisting water features, and obstacles the size of a house. The Gore and Tunnel rapids in the Colorado River are just 2 examples of Class 10’s and in Grand Canyon depending on the water level Chrystal rapid and Lava Falls.

These are the different class levels of rafting in the Colorado River and rest assured that your highly experienced Grand Canyon commercial rafting guides will navigate you through them expertly. Get in touch with Advantage Grand Canyon to help you decide which Grand Canyon raft trip is ideal for you.

Advantage Rafting Trips Greand Canyon CTA

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